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Fall 2016

TE 802 - Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I

Instructor: Dr. Avner Segall and Scott Durham

In TE 802, I examined the roles that society plays on education.  One of my projects consisted of relating an item from pop culture to the classroom setting.  Later on, I created a project in which students were to write their own rap about the difference between the North and South during the Civil War.  It was reflections like these that allowed me to grow as an educator.

Spring 2017

TE 803 - Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II

Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Ellis

In this course, I learned how to help advocate for students in my school.  I saw the benefits of intervention in terms of student behavior.  I learned about the importance of building report with my students and how this contributes to the learning environment.  Finally, I learned about how to establish proper routines and protocols so students know what is expected of them each and every day they come to class.

TE 804 - Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

Instructor: Dr. Avner Segall and Scott Durham

Growth is not measured by the steps we take, but the recognition of our successes and shortcomings.  TE 804 provided me a plethora of opportunities to reflect on my teaching.  In one of my journals, I reflected on the difficulties of teaching and what I was currently experiencing.  It was at that moment that I decided to dedicated myself to the profession I love.  Finally, it provided me opportunities to network and collaborate with other teachers.

Summer 2019

CEP 800 - Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings

Instructor: Missy Cosby and David Goodrich

CEP 800 focuses on a variety of different topics in terms of learning.  First, I learned about the 4 educational theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism.  I observed learning spaces and how individuals interact with one another there.  Finally, I confirmed Piaget's stages of cognitive development through an individual case study.

CEP 815 - Technology and Leadership

Instructor: Missy Cosby and Dave Goodrich

In this course, I learned how to be a technology leader in my school building.  I examined educational technologies that could be used in the classroom to aid instruction, organization, and communication.  I also had the opportunity to coach a first year student in their implementation of a technology in a classroom setting.  As I move forward in my career, I will continue evaluating and introducing new educational technologies to my colleagues and building.

CEP 822 - Approaches to Educational Research

Instructor: Missy Cosby and David Goodrich

As we read in Daniel Willingham's When Can You Trust the Experts?, there is a strong need for good educational research.  In CEP 822, I took on the role of a researcher analyzing studies about a topic of my choosing.  I evaluated test results and consolidated resources about how to improve the field of education.  Research is essential to making improvements; however, one must consider where they are getting their information from and whether their peers have approved their findings.

Fall 2019

MI 831 - Theories of Games and Interaction Design

Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Lapensee

In MI 831, I learned how to design entertainment games.  Topics discussed include flow, the 4 types of fun, player types, inclusivity, prototyping, iterative design, etc.  In this class, I formulated my idea for Mountaineer Math, a prototype I developed to help math students better learn multiplication and division.  It was in this class that I felt like I was taking my first steps towards designing educational video games.

MI 841 - Understanding Users

Instructor: Dr. Carrie Heeter

MI 841 is another class in the graduate serious games certificate.  Here, I learned about user design (UD) and user experience (UX) when it comes to designing products.  The projects in this course helped me research and analyze data from prototypes I designed.  In addition, I analyzed my prototype's competition and how to effectively collaborate and/or compete with them.

Spring 2020

CEP 807 - Capstone Educational Technology

Instructor: Dr. Matthew Koehler and Aric Gaunt

The capstone project is a compilation of all the learning that I completed over the course of the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology.  I was tasked with updating an existing web portfolio to showcase my professional skills.  This website will serve as a great resource in future job applications and other career endeavors.

MI 830 - Foundations of Serious Games

Instructor: Dr. Carrie Heeter

In this course, I learned about the principles of serious game design.  I learned about the ouroboros of serious games as defined by Dr. Carrie Heeter and about the various elements of serious game development.  Early on, I was tasked with creating 8 different game concepts given a goal and testing out game mechanics.  The final project consisted of creating a serious game intended to solve a serious goal of my choosing.

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